
In Colombia we work to increase youth participation and integration of their perspective in the construction of a peace culture in the country, where the young people's own ideas for peace are in focus. We organise meeting places between young people and politicians, organises debate forums with the aim of making visible and recognising young people as important players to find solutions to the conflict. We also arrange free training courses in project management and distribute project grants for youth-led peace projects.

Fredsprojekt i Colombia:

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Relatos Internos

PeaceWorksColombia stödjer Relatos Internos. Relatos Internos driver kurser i musikproduktion för unga personer som är frihetsberövade, ungdomar i Tunja och...

Sin Comillas Colombia

Sin Comillas

*PeaceWorks Colombia stödjer: Sin Comillas ”Sin Comillas” stärker unga genom utbildningsprogram om medier och journalism. De har en plattform för...

Trama la Vida Colombia

TrAma la Vida

TrAma la Vida öppnar möjligheter för kreativ dialog mellan ungdomsorganisationer i Colombia


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Why Colombia?

Ungdomar utgör en särskilt utsatt och sårbar grupp i Colombia....

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