PeaceWorks, together with our partner organisations, are offering a training course on anti-racism for youth workers. We see an increasing need for practical knowledge and strategies on how to tackle xenophobia and racism in contemporary Europe.
This training course contributes to increased capacity in addressing youth participation and anti-racism from a holistic perspective for positive social change.
We often meet people in the youth sector who express concern regarding the relationship between the rise of xenophobia and racism among young people and the decreasing youth participation in society. The training course addresses these issues by strengthening the capacities of youth workers to counteract racism and xenophobia in their daily work as well as their capacities to actively support anti-racist struggles and implement anti-racist projects.
Nu har vi avslutat vår andra kurs inom projektet ”Anti-racism in practice and as practice”
24 deltagare från 7 olika länder samlades för att öka…
Vill du ha mer info? kontakta oss:
Lisa Börjel
Erasmus+/ESC koordinator
+46 (0)70 752 96 67